Digital Documents of Love

I came up with this concept years ago while looking at the ever-growing pile of voice mail in my phone. The concept of layering a photograph of my loved ones with their voice messages to me was straight forward in theory, but extremely emotional in execution. I am grateful for these digital documents of love.

My Grandfather’s Voice

My maternal grandfather is the patriarch of our extended family. He was in his mid-forties when he moved to the United States with his family to start a new life. He is an inventor, business man, technician, and artist. He was able to start his own business within five years of moving to America, and has since supported the dreams of his children and grandchildren.

My Father’s Voice

Growing up, my dad had to move a lot. He and his family immigrated to California when he was 12 years old. Almost every year until his upperclassmen years in high school, he would constantly have to switch schools due to his parents’ jobs. He always expressed how lonely he was as a kid and how he had always wished he could be surrounded by friends.

I was fortunate enough to come across this photo where he is surrounded by friends with a large, goofy grin. This is what I want for him and the young boy he was; to live in laughter.

My Mother’s Voice

This is one of my favorite pictures of my mom. She’s just caught a mackerel during a fishing trip with her father and their clients. She used to help my grandfather run his company. As a young Korean-American woman, she’d have to deal with much older business men in the textile industry - negotiating, managing, and succeeding.

She’ll always say that her biggest joy in life is being a mother and wife, but I see the happiness and pride she takes in being an academic, taking care of her peers, and leading her faith community. As her daughter, I am happiest when I see her defining herself as an individual. Seeing her pursue her dreams makes me proud.


The Fool / Imae Tal