I’m a community builder. I bring together, organize, galvanize, and co-activate my communities to push ourselves to places we’ve never been before.

With my community of Asian American creatives in North Texas, we’ve hosted an art market, contributed to exhibitions, published zines, and engaged with the wide tapestry of the Dallas creative scene.

I’m a firm believer that one cannot create in a vacuum, and creating in community produces a uniquely symbiotic power.

In my capacity as the Creative Director of the Dallas Asian American Historical Society and the Founder of the Dallas Asian American Art Collective, it is my dream for Dallas to have an Asian American Museum of Art & History someday.

And we believe that that someday is closer than you’d think.

I can explain that.

Korean-translation + production

OCTOBER 2022 - Hanbok Performance Show: “Runway to Partnership” - Celebrating the 140th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties between South Korea and the United States.

> Provided translation & coordination assistance for shows at The Rainier Club, Boeing Museum of Flight, and University of Washington
> Provided Korean/English translation for Kumdanje CEO & team
> Assisted with end to end process fashion show production including: costume preparation, runway coordination, & team management
> Presented & sold OUWR's design story & products to consumers

Weddings, birthdays, whenever!

I demystify why we do the things we do for the next generation of Korean-Americans. I’ve had experiences at Korean weddings (paebaek), 1st birthdays (dol), and translated sermons from Korean to English for a decade. Why do we bow with a specific hand placement? What do all the different fruits mean? What do the colors of specific hanbok symbolize? Let me bring you into how rich our culture & history are.